Friday, July 22, 2011

The Bond

It wasn't until this year that I started to make an effort to take a more open-minded approach in trying to discover my best self. A friend of mine introduced me to a free online teleseries called Healing With The Masters. Initially I had my reservations, but when I did some research on who the speakers were and the work they've produced, I became curious. After the first call, I was intrigued. I listened to most of the series when I didn't have to work and I learned so many new principles (more than I can remember, unfortunately) on living life freely, abundantly. I know I have ways to go, but I now have a desire to learn more about letting things go and just being. In comes Lynne McTaggart's The Bond Teleclass and Fairness Campaign Summit, which launches July 25th and is, yet again, free. I am personally looking forward to this series as I have become a fan of Lynne McTaggart's work and research. Her messages trigger my desire for self-research and ability (or inability) to apply the necessary tools she offers to get closer to enlightenment and liberty. This will be a 21-day program, launching Monday. The first five days are taught by Lynne as she walks the audience through teachings from her latest literal treasure "The Bond." Immediately following The Bond Workshop is The Fairness Campaign; a free 16-day speaker summit with some of the biggest names in self-help and personal transformation including: Marianne Williamson, Jack Canfield, Hale Dwoskin, Michael Beckwith and Eric Pearl, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Gay and Katie Hendricks and Arielle Ford, Marci Shimoff, Katherine Woodward Thomas, James O’Dea and Don Beck and many, many more. There's no reason to miss this special summit. It's free and convenient to access. Check it out today at!

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