Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New Beginning!

Although we are few hours away from a New Year, I’d have to say I’m truly blessed with my surrounding circle of family and friends. I have so much love and support from everyone, I’m not sure what I would do without them in my life! Never really knowing what you’ll be able to achieve and capable of, it helps to have an amazing support system. Losing touch with a few really close friends over the years, reflecting on the times we spent and learning from those experiences, I’ve gained many new friends who have opened my eyes to new opportunities. I hope to cross paths with most of the friends I’ve lost touch with no matter the reasons we stopped communicating or grew apart. Growing a lot internally, developing and setting goals, I hope to spend 2011 networking, staying positive and continuing on my path for career opportunities to unfold. I wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An Eye-Opener

Growing up in Philadelphia,  I've known from a very young age that I would always and forever be interested in all aspects of the entertainment industry. Currently looking for a full-time job, being very close to graduation and hitting many roadblocks that sometimes take me off course, let alone trying to find and understand myself and where I belong, it wasn’t until I read Kelly Cutrone’s book “IF YOU HAVE TO CRY, GO OUTSIDE AND OTHER THINGS YOUR MOTHER NEVER TOLD YOU," I was awakened and realized, you, yourself, are the only person in life that can stop you from achieving what you want. Yes, I know, no one walking this earth is perfect (not even me) and no-one ever will be. Her book just pulls you in because it's real. It doesn’t sugarcoat anything and shows we must really learn from our own mistakes in life and maybe from others' too.  Believe me, this book will have you reading nonstop as I was! I strongly recommend it as it just might be the eye-opener for you as it was for me.

Below is a direct link to buy her book!